Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Vrindavana Travelogue - Day 01
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sri Shyamsundar
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Life without Krishna
Life without Krishna is like empty room
Friday, September 10, 2010
Driving Ahead
Suppose I am driving a very nice car, but I am simply absorbed in the machine only. I have forgotten my destination, where I have to go, and I am busy studying the car. What is the use? You may be driving a good car, but you must know how to reach your destination. That is your main business. Knowing how the car works is secondary. Your main business is knowing how to utilize the car so you can reach your destination. That is intelligence.
So, we have fallen into this material condition, and we are occupying various forms. As long as we are in the bodily concept—thinking "I am this 'car'"—that is ignorance. What is wanted is to think, "I am not this body. I am spirit soul, and I have to utilize this body to go to my destination—the spiritual world—where I can meet the supreme spirit, God, and live in His association." Human life is meant for understanding what the Supreme Lord is, where He lives, what He does, and what our relationship with Him is. To seek to understand these things is called inquiry into the Absolute Truth. That is actual education.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
ISKCON vs. ISKCON Bangalore
Sep 07, 2010 — DALLAS, TEXAS, USA (SUN) — Rama Das Brahmacari, in his article, "The Answer to India's Problems?" raises a series of questions:
Question 1: So how is he different from the ISKCON that he is fighting against??
Answer: The simple answer is, judge by the results as listed below for ISKCON vs. ISKCON Bangalore.
ISKCON has the following Record of Destruction:
(1) More than 90% of Srila Prabhupada's disciples were driven away or left discouraged.
(2) Thousands of disciples of self-proclaimed and rubber-stamped gurus came and have gone away.
(3) BTG distribution has gone down from ONE MILLION a MONTH in 1975 to almost nothing now.
(4) Distribution of Books, Prasadam, and Hari Nama have come to a near halt.
(5) Temples in North America, Western Europe, Australia, Latin America, and Africa have become empty or have disappeared.
(6) Child Protection Office had a list of more than 200 abusers/molesters and more than 1,000 abused/molested children, but not much has been done to abusers.
(7) More than half a dozen murders.
ISKCON Bangalore has following Record of Construction:
(1) Largest Distributor of Srila Prabhupada's Books in the world.
(2) Largest Distributor of Prasadam in the world - to more than 1.2 Million school children daily.
(3) Established more than 15 temples in a decade.
Question 2: A full belly and a Government education is the answer to India's problems?
Answer: No, it is not. Distribution of Harinama, Prasadam, and Books to change consciousness of masses is the solution. So judge ISKCON Bangalore by the above listed record.
Question 3: What about making a public statement that glorifies Srila Prabhupada and Vedic education?
Answer: Distribution of Prasadam and Books by ISKCON Bangalore is making Srila Prabhupada most famous and respected in India.
Comment: "To me, this Madhu Pandit is building his own empire and his own ISKCON, and he is using Srila Prabhupada's and ISKCON's name to do it.
Reply: Corrupt ISKCON leaders have brought tremendous disrepute to the name and fame of Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON on all continents. I am here in Dallas, Texas, USA and people are not taking Srila Prabhupada's books even when I give them free? ISKCON Bangalore is rebuilding the reputation of Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON.
Question 4: Why do we always have to corrupt everything and ruin Srila Prabhupada's mission????
Answer: When you read Akshaya Patra related material keep in mind that we are dealing with "Government and politics".
Let us not put ISKCON and ISKCON Bangalore in the same category.
Wishing All of You Well,
yhs- Gadahdar dasa