
My passion is photography, art, visual effects, lighting effects, video editing, listening to instrumental music and just to imagine. My mind finds peace only when it goes through the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam and the bhajans of Srila Prabhupada. I just love performing more and more service to Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna-chandra around Whom our lives are centered. Check out my collection at

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don’t Let Success Go to Your Head

There’s an alarming trend: People who have had some degree of good fortune and success tend to lose their humility and become at least slightly arrogant. This is very unfortunate for many reasons. First, and most obviously, no one really wants to be around someone who is arrogant or self-absorbed. It’s boring, and it’s annoying! Arrogance implies a lack of gratitude. The assumption is, “I did this all by myself; it’s all about me.”

Factors such as our good karma, Lord’s blessings and so on are forgotten or disregarded.

In addition, when you allow success to go to your head, your stress levels skyrocket and your quality of life gradually disappears. People will stop liking you, and eventually, you’ll stop liking yourself.

Friendships slip away; obsessive busyness and a lack of time take over. Someone who was happy and relatively easy to please is now impossible to satisfy.
There are many celebrities, athletes, and business people who have done really well – their talent, timing, hard work, luck, and all the rest of it kicked in at just the right time. Yet, rather than being grateful and keeping a sense of perspective, they act as if they are somehow better or more important than others simply because they’re good at something and have enjoyed some success.

Don’t let success go to your head!

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